
Joined: August 24, 2009
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 87312

Quotes by malloriiexo

&Let me start off by saying this ;
It was the beginning of highschool .
As you can guess people make new friends &start to change,
its uncomtrolable though it's just a part of life.
But this is one change i really can't help myself from regretting,
& i never regret my past.

I thought you were true friends.
I thought i finally found a good group.
I guess i was wrong.
First you turned me into a monster, something i was ashamed to look at in the mirror sometimes.
You made me coldhearted, reckless, & fearless of everything around me.

Then you changed me into a pathetic person who lets people walk all over her like a carpet.
Someone who was so insecure but never took it out on the people who started with her.
She didn't have the guts.
Somehow she was able to keep one aspect in her life the same,
& that was being a true friend.

She never talked behind peoples backs.
She never made fun of people to fell better.
She never treated others as bad as they treated her.
All because  she knew how much words could hurt.
All of her [freinds] that made fun of her never saw how she realy felt inside.

Truth was, she was the only one they trusted, &told theyre problems too.
They took advantage of her, but without her they would be a wreck.
She fixed all the problems. She solved all the fights. She patched up all theyre pains.
People asked why she cared so much for these terrible people who only used her.
& her answer.?

She just wanted a friend to do that to her when she was alone & no one ever was there.
Now that she had the chance, she was going to be there for them, wether they deserved it or not.
& that is the only thing i dont regret when looking back on how far i've come.
*_ Cause at the end of the day ;
i can say i was one of the realest people around,
& thats something i will always be proud of.


It’s no big deal.
Break her heart;; Let her down;; Make her cry.
It’s because you love her right?
Everything is fine;; Hold her hand;; Lead her on.
Just like you said:

"It’s no big deal. She’s just a girl."

Just, ...

_*favorite thiss if you know what this feels liike;