
Joined: June 25, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 187158
   Hey Hey Hey I'm Mary........Ummm I dont really like writing bio things cuz I never no what to put in it......Like well, should I just write about whatever? Ummm I havent had fried chicken in a really long time, but from what I remember I think I like it, I went to a Rob Thomas concert...not many people know who he is, but oh well. I hate the word "silly", i also hate whoever calls me silly too, its just a really stupid word and I want to punch whoever made it but thats aside the point....Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh soooooo yea thats pretty much, LET GO LAUGHING!!!! Hehe song that was playing, I had to write about.....FACT IS IT HAPPENS!!!!! So yea, I think my work here is done.....