
Joined: July 3, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 190099
heeey <3
My name is Demi and I am from france, paris actually. I have travelled the world a lot, So i get home schooled.
I am in year 8 and have been to..
& Heaven (when I met him)❤❤

so please follow me :)

Quotes by midd_skool_gurls

True Fact,
Beat boxers are the best kissers ❤❤

Awkward Moment

When your laying in bed (on your back) and playing on your phone and you drop it on your head :)

You should eat makeup,
So that you can be beautiful on the inside too 

Definition of school-
A reason to see him ❤❤

❤ if you have a him ❤


I'd hate to get on

your bad side,

But i'm pretty sure

you have one ❤ ❤

❤ A real girl isn't perfect, ❤
❤ And a perfect girl isn't real ❤

Selena Gomez ❤ ❤

Fave if you like her too ❤


If Barbie is so popular,

Why do you have to buy her friends

Fave is you get it ❤

Some people say they have two
cheeks, but i say that i have four 

Fave if you get it ;)