
Joined: May 25, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 177234

Quotes by mimzie13

I LOVE you, I WANT you, To stand by you through thick and thin, FOREVER. PLEASE dont leave me......
I LOVE you, I WANT you, To stand by you through thick and thin, FOREVER. PLEASE dont leave me......
 </3 :'(

Text messages from me and my boy friend!(: Very sweet!

Him: Sends me a pic of a rainbow

Me: aww, i see it, its pretty

Him:Yeah, i saw it and thought of you

Me: Why?

Him: Cause your both beautiful!(:



                                          This would be me............

"I wasn't THAT drunk!" "dude, you congratulated a potato for getting the part in toy story"  


Start being nice to your mom,

Because apparently its legal to kill kids now....



When  your gone.....

The   pieces of my heart

are missing

Goodbye my almost lover


Dear Facebook,

PLEASE stop changing the chat bar

Love, the public <3