
Joined: February 15, 2013
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 350282
Gender: F

Quotes by mirandadinoto

My talents include

taking my bra off

without taking my

shirt off.


me: I can't eat anymore I'm full.

food: eat me.

me: ok


I really hate it whe

I'm twirling my pen

and I accidentally let

go of it and it flies

halfway across the



person: do you want to hang out

me: i have to ask my mom

me: *doesn't ask her*

me: she said no


do you ever just stare at your homework and cry ?

I don't trust poeple who smile before 9AM.

my mom: you can't stay online forever

me: is that a challenge?

me: omg I'm so sleepy. when i get home i will sleep forever.

at home: *goes on witty*

me: what's sleep


I don't know if people are checking me out or shocked at how ugly I am.

there are mean parents,

and then there are parents who switch off the wifi at night.