
Joined: January 28, 2009
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 65228


Quotes by mollieex3

oh look, you highlighted this.
do you expect a cookie?

the louder her music plays.

prettty sure this isn't already on here but if it is i'm sorry :)

you're gonna be the one that [saves] me 

 & afterall, you're my 

wonderwall * 

looove this song :) 

& i swear, the world better prepare
              for when i'm a

here's to the girls
that spend 2 hours in the morning just for [ h i m ] , the ones who stay up until 11:11 each and

every night even though their wish has yet to come true. the ones who can cover up their pain

with make up and a fake smile, the ones who can be broken inside and still pretend nothings

wrong. the ones who have more guy friends than girl friends, because they're easier to trust.

and to the ones that are hoplessely in love with that one boy,
here's to the girls

witty messed up spacing :/

tht ruth

 h u r t s.                     so we lie.


idk if this is on here ?


 because you never know
how absolutely
 something can turn

OUt tO bE 

credit to whoeverrrrr (:

You're everything need
( & m o r e ) it's written all over your face,
baby i can feel your  h a l o , pray it won't
fade away

                         >> only makes you [ stronger ]
          so when you think you are hurting me, you're just making me
   l a s t  l o n g e r

not my quote, my editing

the polite way of saying
"that wasn't funny"
"i really don't care"
"shut up already"
"you're really annoying"
"why are you talking to me?"
or just another way of saying:
you have nothing to say.

noooot mine