
Joined: July 17, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 195932

class of 2014;legggo.

Quotes by morganisthename

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It turns out freedom aint nothing but missing you.
it's funny how one summer can change everything.
It must be something about the heat and the smell of chlorine,fresh cut grass,and honeysuckle,asphalt sizzling after late day thunderstorms,the steam rising while everything drips around it.

Something about long,lazy days and whirring air conditioners and bright plastic flip flops.

Something about fall being so close,another year,another Christmas,another beginning.

So much in one summer,stirring up like the storms that crest at the end of each day,blowing out all the heat and dirt to leave everything gasping and cool.

Everyone can reach back to one summer and lay a finger on it,finding the exact point when everything changed.

That summer was mine

              I see sparks fly;
           whenever you smile.