
Joined: March 29, 2009
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 71849

Hear Me RAWR!

to the account called:

thanks :)

top layout credit to disasterlayouts, who we will miss :(

Quotes by morgannn96


my grandpa died.
so, i decided to call my grandma to see how she f e l t.
after being on the phone with her for about 30 minutes
i told her goodbye and out of habit said,

"say hi to grandpa for me"



if your gonna be two-faced

at l e a s t make one

...friend gave it to me...

no life is not worth l i v i n g

im sorry

i don't live in a castle.
my hair isn't p e r f e c t.
i'm not very beautiful.
i don't have elegant dresses.
my table manners could use some w o r k.
i don't have maids or butlers.
no i don't own a horse & carriage.
my prince is lost.
and no,

my life's not a fairytale.

credit for fade: fabulousfades

sometimes i don't think i can handle loving someone ever again

i've already lost enough

why should i go through it all again

all the numerous boys i loved

and all of them broke my hearts

my parents aren't the same anymore

they don't love eachother anymore

no one seems to understand

so please just give me one good reason why

i should love anyone
ever again

sorry, probably doesn't make much sense.. :/

you think you have it bad, hmm?

my parents are divorced

im not as w e a l t h y as others

i don't get .every.single.thing. i want

no guy has ever asked me out

im not in the
'popular crowd'

but do i whine about it?


so please, just leave me the hell alone.

a little inspiration from all the quotes about this kind of stuff lately..

love is like r o l l i n g down a hill

as you roll down, you smile and laugh

but then your at the end, and your confused and hurt

yet you still say,

" lets do it again "

that came from the heart :)
you can color, just give me credit please!

reality bites 

but it it better watch out, i bite back :)

his eyes aren't something i could get lost in

he's shorter then most guys his age

his body isn't smoking

and he can sometimes be a n n o y i n g

so what is it that i like about him?

i wish i knew.

yeah, i know it isn't "top quote material" and doesn't have colors.
sometimes feelings don't need color to actually mean something.

ughh, hate venting.