
Joined: November 24, 2009
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 94409
i'm rebecca
i'm your typical teenage girl
i love boys
especially ones from the twilight saga =]]
[[team jacob all the way]]
i'm a black belt in taekwondo and absolutely love the martial arts. 
besides taekwondo i'm also into dancing. especially jazz and lyrical.
im friendly so get to know me =]]

Quotes by mrsjacobblack14

"hey gorgeous, um i mean flawless

well thats what you are

how i see it is how i call it."

-bedrock by young money <3
&&thats when i realized it.

you may have hurt me

&&you may have made me cry

but you didn't break me.

you weren't even close.

--all mine. no jocking.

kiss me

i'm a black belt.

--not really cute or anything
but i didn't see any quotes about martial arts.

We don't have time for your games

We have our own goals to score

There are trophies to win instead of being one of yours

--"Anthem" by Superchick

love is like a fire

its burns and consumes

until there is nothing left

I tried to be a picture perfect girl

But you were in your own fantasy world

Trying to control me

Like some kind of a Barbie

That just aint me

--Priscilla Renea's "Dollhouse"