
Joined: July 12, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 194062
Okayy so this is your girl Nicole aka Nikki. You can call me Nicole, Nikki, or Blossom, nothingg else. You can call me a bitch, but put the word bad in front of it please. Well I'm 14, and I'm single. Umm lets see. I do have the nerve to cuss someone out so pleasee don't get on my nerves. I'm from Milwaukee Wisconsin. My best friend is Amanda, xoxomindaxoxo is her witty name so follow her. I'd like to think I'm a fun person but tell me if i'm not and i'll wake up more. If i'm bored or quiet I usually don't feel good or somethings bothering me. I do have a facebook. And for my family, I'm the youngest in it so I like to be treated as the baby, but not to the point where it's annoying...umm...well I think thats about it. So bye fuckers! Lol jaykayyy. Bye random peoplee:) ILOVEYOU. Image 28 of 66

Quotes by nikki_thuggin


I was born an original and I refuse to die a copy. Like it or not I'm just me and that's all I'll ever be :) 


I wish my life was a song,

because songs,they never die
I could write for years and years
   and never have to



You call them "Haters ,"


 I call them

"Secret lovers ♥."



If I had a penny for each time I thought about you ,I would only have one 
because you never left my mind. 

Whats minnie without mickey? whats tigger without pooh? whats patrick without spongebob?
 whats me without you?
ily devin

U SwEaR U KnOw Me CuZ Ya HeArD My NaMe BuT iF Ya EvA rEaLLy MeT Me YuD KnOw Da GaMe dRaMa NeVa EnDs And HaTaS ArE aLL tHa SaMe tHeY sMiLe To Ya FacE aNd sPiT oN yA NaMe
nowadays it's like "oh it's 11:00, time to go in the house cuz the curfew is inforced". when we were five it was "omg it's 5:00 time to go watch barney!" 
Peaches got pregnant and named her daughter cream!! XD