
Joined: November 15, 2009
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 93717
Hey ! Scarlett here. You wont commonly see me writing quotes unless they are about animals. I am serious about NOT hurting animals and if i ever came face-to-face with an animal abuser I would kick their butt. So yeah... Just be nice and thoughtful,think of the animals.

<3 No Excuse For Abuse <3(best motto ever)

future job: Animal Cop
future dream: To be rich;to end animal abuse everywere
future hubby: Animal Lover :]

More About Me: I have 3 pets , one dog named Cap , two cats spice and melody . You will fall inlove with them if you see them. Spice looks a like the cat on my profile picture.My dog is a border collie,19 years old and still very alive.I cry every single time i see animal cruelty commercails. etc...

Quotes by noanimalabuse

My name is... actully i dont remember my name, i was abandoned quite a few years ago and still nobody has found me. All i know about my self is i am a 3 legged brown cat. I lost my other leg when my owner puposly ran it over, and they said a was hit by a car! I got slapped across my weak back with my beat up old collar that is still hanging around my neck. I still have the scar across the left side of my face from when they strangled me and through me against the wall for meowing. I was amasated(so skinny i could die) because they refused to feed me after i got fur on their black table cloth. They hated me.. I dont know what I did wrong but I must be a very bad cat.

Is this what you want? Do you really want animal-abusers roaming the earth like they are inocent?I am mad so mad may think about taking matters into my own hands if somebody doesnt DO SOMETHING!


I AM EXTREMLY AGAINST ANIMAL TESTING ! ITS PURE ABUSE AND YOU KNOW IT! ALL YOU PEOPLE WITH SICK MINDS THINK ITS OKAY! WELL ITS NOT . If you think it is unfair email the person whos email is located at the bottom of this 'online flyer' . Clorox is a big animal testing company so we have to complain to this person and maybe things will change. We must have at least 300 signatures too fill my heart a 1/4 of the way under this title. If you emailed or are going to Please comment on this. DONT REPASTE for numerous reasons. IF YOU ARE/DID DEFENETLY WROTE YOU CAN SIGN THIS . IF NOT DONT BOTHER! Thank you sooo much, know that just reading this makes me happy.

Email your complaints to:
*Stop animal abuse*
Animal abuse is next to
Human abuse .
it must be stopped .
it IS a big deal

<3Favor or comment if you agree!<3
Rate high to stop animal abuse!</3
no animal needs to go through this!
Dear Reader,

  My name is Scarlett. I am strong-hearted when it comes to animals. What I am trying to say is I am a huge animal lover and am STRONGLY AGENST animal cruelty! There is:


So what you need to do is SPEAK UP! For their sake. Tell me, noanimalabuse , that you have witnesed animal abuse and I will do something about it. It is extremly confidental that I dont tell you how I do it because we dont want everyone dealing with it themselfs. If you wish to do something about it yourself thats good but I have connections.So tell me.
