
Status: My name is DELANEY! I love to ski, play basketball, softball, and soccer. I play the piano, guitar, sax., bassoon, and I love to sing!!!!! I
Joined: June 23, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 311333
Location: mass.
Gender: F


So I'm new here and just to let everyone know:
I do have a life! I dont go on very often but when I do, I like to make quotes. My sister just recently showed me how to make a pretty quote! thank you kay5999 i love you
know what else i love?
music!!! I love to sing, play piano, and i just recently started taking guitar lessons with my sister!!! I know every signal word to every song i like! you wittians should check out the band Imagine Dragons! they are amazing and need to be heard!
I am in love with this guy named Ryan Lee!! Have you ever seen the movie Super 8?
He is in that movie and I stalk him on twitter!!! and he is also in the music video Titanium!
oh and i love cows!!!
ok well thats it! love you guys byeeeeee for now
follow for a follow?(:
p.s. this was written by her sister!! kay5999 i follow back(:
Yello everyone! I'm Delaney! I have a wonderful sister named Kayleigh (kay5999) who I  love so much and she is such a wonderful role model!