
Joined: November 21, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 241416
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Hi. This is my writing account. I dont tell anyone I write because im afraid i'll get made fun of.

Writing is kind of my life.
Besides music.

Oh and I dont care if I get top quotes.
I just want to write my feelings, stories, ect.

you can't start the next chapter of your life
if you keep re-reading the last one

notes_from_a_midnight_driver's Favorite Quotes

I'm not gonna delete you
from my life. I'm gonna leave you there, so you can see
how happy I am without you


Whenever I see a calendar,
I always skip to my birthday,
to see what picture it is.

of course

i miss him. But maybe if i keep lying, I'll fool myself too.


Waiting on Justin Bieber
Laughing at the 9 million girls who are going to die alone because they picked the box above.


Format by XxprettixX


The Problem With Seeming Strong
Is that people think they can hurt you whenever they want.
Format by XxprettixX Removal of this credit is punishable by death. :)

 the   world obvioiusly isn't  gonna end in 2012,

  is                               from                     2121.
D  U   H   H   H   H   H    H    H .

Hello substitute teacher,
Goodbye assigned seats

three strikes

Chapter 31
"So, is this considered our first date?" I asked, sticking a French fry in my mouth.
Jesse rolled his eyes, and took a long sip of his vanilla and chocolate blended milkshake.
"No, Kendall. I told you, I need time to think about it."
I smirked, dipping my French fries in a pool of ketchup.
"It sounds like you're going to break up with me, or something."
Jesse shot me a glare. "Well, what I meant was I need time to think about what to do for our date. I mean, I don't want to do something cliche, or something lame."
I sighed dramatically, swallowing a mouthful of greasy fries.
"Can't we just go to a movie or something?" I asked.
"That's the lame part." Jesse said.
I narrowed my eyes at him. "What about something like... a picnic on a rooftop?! That sounds so-!"
"Cliche." Jesse finished.
I glared at the dark haired brunette. "I was going to say romantic."
Jesse grunted, swirling the straw in his milkshake.
"I just want our first date to be perfect. I don't want it to be like how it was with other girls, simple movie and dinner. I want to do something... unique."
I mentally groaned when he said 'other girls'.
I still couldn't believe that I was pretty much going out, for real, with someone like Jesse.
After all, he was known as the notorious playboy of our school.
And I used to hate people like him- arrogant and what not.
But, look at where I was now.
In love, and talking about suggestions for dates with him.
"What's wrong? Why do you have that face?" Jesse asked, concerned.
I frowned, shaking my head. "What face?"
Jesse grinned, tapping my nose.
"That innocent, cute, pouty face." he smirked.
I flustered, slapping his hand away from my nose.
"Ha ha, hilarious." I sarcastically remarked, playfully glaring at him.
After we finished eating, Jesse drove the both of us in his new Lamborghini convertiable.
We stopped at the driveway of his mansion, as we headed towards his large backyard.
He guided us through the fence, as I could see a crystal clear pool and a large basketball court.
"Do you want to play basketball?" Jesse asked, stripping off his black hoodie.
I shuddered, shaking my head. "Are you crazy? It's barely fourty degrees right now."
Jesse shrugged, as his white t-shirt clung on his body, showing off his perfectly sculpted stomach.
"Come, I'll make you warm if you get cold." he winked.
I scrunched my nose in disgust.
"No, I'm fine. Besides, I don't know how to play."
Jesse raised an eyebrow at me.
"Pretty please? I'll teach you. Come on." he pleaded.
I sighed, giving up.
I approached the center of the basketball court, where he stood.
"Okay, what now?" I asked, crossing my arms stubbornly.
"Let me see the way you shoot the ball. Come here." Jesse guided, pulling me gently towards the free throw line.
He handed me the amber, orange ball, as it landed firmly in my palms.
I took in a deep breath.
I jumped up in midair, releasing the ball from my hands.
It hit the back of the board, and sprang into the hoop.
"See? You do know how to play." Jesse pointed out.
I glared at him. "I got lucky."
Jesse grinned, as he wrapped his warm arms around my waist, pulling me in closer.
"Don't worry, I can teach you how to play." he breathed.


my  mom  doesn't  understand  that;
even though my room looks dirty to her,
I know where my things are.