
Joined: July 16, 2004
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 11457
5'3 with brown eyes....LOVE TO PLAY VOLLEYBALL!!!!!!! Xenia Ohio.....GO BUCS!

Quotes by ohiobabe22

never thought in a million '
years i would find someone
so amazing and completely
perfect. Some that would
make me happpier then i
ever dreamed .. someone
that would give me a whole
new reason to . br e a t h e
you can tell .j.u.s.t. by the w a y
she looks at him:; she is
HeAd OvEr hEeLz In LoVe
you have no idea how much you`ve changed me you gave me reasons to smile, thoughts to think, kisses to dream about, but most of all you gave me memories to never forget <3
Remember when boys meant yuck nd friends were new--*Recess was too short and life was way to long. Decisions came easy w/out the need to belong...Storks delivered babies and passions werent so strong. Right was right *wrong was wrong* bad thingsz didnt happen-only skinned knees brought tearsz* the night lite quieted all of our fears...farewell meant just for the summer and real friends didnt part..the fun went on [f o r e v e r] and
'n e v e r l e f t a b r o k e n h e a r t'
Now i lay me down to sleep
I pray the lord my soul to keep
and if i die before i wake
i pray the lord my soul to take....
There are only some things
that practice can do,
For everything else

A Hot, Sweaty,
Smelly, Expensive,
Time Consuming,

You gotta love it!!
All the TALENT
in the world
WONT take you anywhere
without your
I believe in PURE VOLLEYBALL...
The team with the most floor burns WiN....
I believe in Hardwood courts....
I believe nothing easy is worth having...
Forget the coin toss, i want to see a joust for the serve...
Be the player that digs the ball in hitter's alley
not a poser in knee pads!!!!!
They told me there is no "I" in team

I am an athlete
I am and individual
I am strong
I am weak
I have desires,hopes, and dreams
I have goals
I have fears
As a team, my opponent wil never see my weaknesses
only my strengths, never my fears, only my goals as
the unfold before them
I am not afraid that my team will see my fears, my hopes,
dreams, or desires. I trust them to an unlimited level
I am not afraid that my team will see my faults, because
with them I can overcome my faults, with them i am
fearless, with them I have hopes and dreams.
With my team I am not weak, I do not have the strength of one athlete, but of many, combined, focused, and dangerous to my un-united opponent. I become my team, and my team becomes me. I do not judge and i am not judged. I have a goa, and the team has a goal, The team goal is my goal. All that matters is that hte team reaches its goal. They always told me there is no "I" in team. They were wrong. I am the team, I became the team, The team became me. The team becomes an entity unto itself. The team is strong, creative, compassiontae, caring, authoritative, disciplined. The team absorbs "I", and then there is "I" in "Team". The "I" becomes part of something much more powerful.

They were right, there is no "I" in "Team", but there is "Team" in me.