
Joined: September 26, 2008
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 55289
&& BestFriends
nahh..... I have something Better to do..... Shopping till we drop, Going into  Gap kids, and trying on all the clothes. Asking the ladies what there name is and why their parents named them that. They keep saying IDK! And i better know, we go into the janitors room saying can I run the school. When ever he says no I scream. we all start shutting the power off in the school..and have no idea what we are doing, we get suspended and then go back to school 1 minute after we left. We stick together just like the door to your room stays shut to people you dis like too- MUCH -to notice.
                      This is why I call you BESTFRIENDS

Quote Comments by pinksoda973

pinksoda973 1 decade ago on quote #2426936
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