
Joined: January 11, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 262585

Quotes by polkadottedstingray

I don't need to make wishes on 11:11 anymore <3

                                        staying strong and moving on
                                  I'll be okay just not today <3

No matter what

I will walk out of this with a smile on my face

weather its fake or real, you will never know

By the time you realized you were wrong...
he had already realized you were right in the beginning <3
life is not always going to go as planned
    make the best of it

love the people who love you
don't worry about the ones who never cared
make your life exactly what you want

do everything in your power to be the happiest person you can be
because if it all ends
make sure you can look back and say
you loved it


You don't have to be famous,
              just impact at least one person's life
                         and you will be remembered forever <3

close enough to know me but not enough to hurt me.
 these walls are strong but fragile.
your gonna miss this
your gonna want this back
your gonna wish these days hadn't gone by so fast
these are some good times
so take a good look around
you may not know it now
but your gonna miss this </3

In life there needs to be a balence
holding on to the memories of the past
living for today
and planning for the future

if only boys took advice from witty and country songs <3