
Joined: July 30, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 321523
Gender: F
Hello gorgeous!

This is my witty(:

This is a witty where I post quotes about what us teenagers relate to!

beautifulFlashing Black and WhiteNinjaimg style="visibility:hidden;width:0px;height:0px;" border=0 width=0 height=0 src="*xJmx*PTEzMTA2Njc*NjE4MTkmcHQ9MTMxMDY2Nzg4MDAyOSZwPTEzNzYxNjUxJmQ9Y2hlcnJ5YmFtLmNvbSZnPTEmbz1mNGI3/NWM2NDFlY2Q*Nzg3YjU*ZTBlNzQ4NDg3YjliOQ==.gif" />

Quotes by postwerelate2

Teenager Posts #004


We all have those day where we wake up and have a day from below. When we dont wanna keep gong because of one person or thing. When your day absolutely sucks and you wanna give up... but then something happens; manybe you get a text with good news or an invite to a party from a new friend...anything can happen in this world and we need to be ready for it. and whatever happened with that one person with what they said or did- you shouldnt hold them to it. they could be having a day like yours and not know what they are saying... it could have popped out of their mouths and they didnt mean and not know how to go back and change it.

I'm going back to my cave room.
Teenager Posts #003

The best way to tell someone you dont like them is to text them "370HSSV 0773H" and tell them to read it upside down.
Teenager Posts #002
Teenager Posts #001

That look you give your friend when someone attractive walks into the room...