
Joined: January 24, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 148783
LOL I hate you...
I'm pretty chill. Get to know me. If your annoying GTFO.


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Comments to qpsbg57

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YourGirl_ 1 decade ago
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nnah , i dont have tumblr . idunno how to make one ;) LOOL .
i just checked out the site :p
OneLoveOneShot_Stories 1 decade ago
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hi! i'm starting a new story called Now & Then. Would you please check it out? I hope you enjoy! Here's the first chapter: http://www.wittyprofiles.com/q/4745821
lissyisamazing 1 decade ago
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Hey preety girl, miss talking to you, im going through my comments that i kept and saw yours and thought oh my word its been forever since we talked, how are you doing?<3
meganemily2 1 decade ago
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Hii gorgeous♥ could you please do me a favor and check out my new story,chapter 1 ? its about cutting and would mean soo much for you to read it! :)
Kirby16 1 decade ago
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thanks for the follow(:
sayheyilyx 1 decade ago
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Hi gorgeous, my name is Elizabeth amd I just recently posted a new story on my account called, "Everything I'm Not". Chapter One is up but it was so long that I had to split it into 4 parts. Also, chapter two is up.[: It'd mean the world if you checked it out, faved if you liked it, and comment feedback! And of course, if you liked it, followed me. :D Thank you for your time!
dancexlovexbieber 1 decade ago
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lol xD
dancexlovexbieber 1 decade ago
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sara, that quote wasnt about you. <333333. lol.
syydneyb 1 decade ago
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ahahhahah yeahhh
Jade672 1 decade ago
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thanks,i love yours too,and omg your so pretty! c:
cestlavie 1 decade ago
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norfolk, right near foxboro where the patriots play! its like super suburban and like 20 minutes from boston! hby?
Jade672 1 decade ago
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Username; perfect
Profile; perfect
Your quotes; marry me
Profile picture; perfect
Rating; 10
neonpandaxoxo 1 decade ago
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Hey! I just started a new story called "The Reason Why" The first 5 chapters are up and I would love for you to check it out and tell me what you think! I took a break from writing for a while and the explanation for that is right below my first chapter of "The Reason Why" So be sure to check that out. It would mean so much to me if you read my story! Feedback helps me a lot and makes me smile too! Thanks so much!♥
karaloveshim123 1 decade ago
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Hey there.
Youre really pretty C:
beingstronggx3 1 decade ago
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i dont even have a best friend :/
beingstronggx3 1 decade ago
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thank you so much(: im 14 & i dont have a best friend. i know; it sounds childish, but im just so hung up on it. I have friends; but they dont tell me anything. My one friend she will tell me all the good stuff but doesnt tell me anything bad that she does..as if im going to judge her. then i have other friends but they dont tell me anything.. im sick of being there for everyone else and telling them everything and for them being a zipped lipped person.
16asboyle 1 decade ago
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Aww D: Ik how u feel... on my birthday no one showed up cause the two people that were invited ONE HANGED OUT WITH HER BF and the other forgot -___-
16asboyle 1 decade ago
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ikr! my 3 best friends all planned to go to the movies tonight and i wasnt invited -__-
Drakealicious 1 decade ago
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You're gorgeous.
dancexlovexbieber 1 decade ago
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oh, you didnt know i had a big brother?.... thats wierd...