
Joined: May 5, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 297683
Waz up. ma name is really TILLIE,. yes its always in capitals.. (not really)  well I love music.. unless you dont.. O.o jk.. im not fake. sooo bai. 
yo' mama

Soulja Boy Superman Dance

Flashing Word Bubble=1>Funny Graphics

rainbowunicorn's Favorite Quotes

Roses are red
Violets are blue
Sugar is sweet
And perhaps so are you.

But the roses have wilted
The violets are dead
The sugar bowl's empty
Your wrists are stained red

The sun isn't shining
The sky isn't clear
There's no silver lining
For you're no longer here

Rain keeps on pouring
There's no end in sight
You're laying there frozen
So far from the light

Your beauty's unreal
Your smile the sun
But time can't be turned
Nor your actions undone

The words that you wrote
Which only I read,
"I love you so much,
please don't cry when I'm dead."

A bond that we formed
A love that ran deep
A pain that we shared
A friend I could keep

I wanted to hold you
Wipe the tears from your eyes
Been there the moment
You said your goodbye

I want to forget
but most times I don't

I want to let go
but I know that I won't

Tears on my face
Memories burn in my head
The roses have wilted
The violets are dead


I wasted half my life on my fantasies.


You stole my heart, but I had it first.

"Is this what you call a family?"


I said I'd never let you go,

and i never did.
n m f


That random roll
you do in bed to get from one side to the other.
*Talking to my cousin at my house*

6 year old cousin: Hey Stephy, where's the cats you were talking about?
Me: What do you mean?
6 year old cousin: I heard you talking to your friend about having 72 cats and dying alone.
Me: -_-

true story.

I have seen sinking ships go down with more grace than you.

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