
Joined: June 13, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 182603

randomgurl's Favorite Quotes

Dude Wasnt  That  Drunk #1

Dude, you walked into walmart, And when the voice came on from the intercom, You droped to your knee's and Screamed 'GOD HAS SPOKEN'

Dude Wasnt  That  Drunk #2

Dude,you asked your own Girlfriend if she was single.

Dude Wasnt  That  Drunk #3

Dude,you threw my bird. At the cops yelling, 'GO ANGRY BIRDS.!! KILL THEM PICS.!'

Dude Wasnt  That  Drunk #4

Dude, you spent an hour looking in my pool, For nemo.

Dude Wasnt  That  Drunk #11

Dude, you tried to squeez yourself down a Pipe, because "you wanted to follow Mario to his coin stach."

Dude Wasnt  That  Drunk #13

Dude, you ran up to a kid with glasses and said. 'Hey harry, where's your scar.?'

Dude Wasnt  That  Drunk #16

Dude, you took out a kitchen knife, and made me throw vegetables at you, And you were yelling 'Im a fruit Ninja.!'

when something bad happens
you have 3 options 
let it define you,
let it destroy you,
or let it strengthen you. ♥