
Joined: January 23, 2010
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 99298

Quotes by randomness12

Hey i don't know you
and this is crazy
but here's my tumblr: 
so follow me maybe? (:



And i'll never understand 
  How your bestfriend can walk away from

you and throw away 3 years of friendship...





 When  lost, can't be found again. They're just gone...


There are moments in life

That you wish with all your heart you could take back. Like, just erase from existence. Like, if you could, you'd erase yourself right out of existence too, just to make that moment not exist.


And no matter how hard  you  try
&What you do  

 you can't  stop  yourself  from




I will never,

look at you in the same way ever again. I'll never be that girl again. The girl who comes running back every time you push her away, the girl who loves you anyway .

How is,
 a person supposed to prepare for what happens tomorrow when there's just no figuring out today?  ???????//... 

Just  Because,
Somebody  Doesn't Love You The Way  You Want Them  To Doesn't Mean  They Don't Love You With All That They Have  <3


Love Begins,
With  a smile,  Grows With a Kiss, and ends with a teardrop


I love you,
not for  what you are but for  what i am when I'm with you <3