
Joined: January 15, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 146665

Quotes by rgilmourx3

that awkward moment;
when you think your important to someone,and you're not.

and whats a pirate without his ship?
a CrEaTiVe homeless guy .(:
silence is a girls loudest scream *♥

patrick star is just too CoOl for his shirt (:

dont you hate when your watching a movie about murders and then the phone rings .? buut your to scared to move .?

remember when *
boys still had CoOtIeS .?
haha yeaah , i remember(:


rain rain go away ;
that what all my HaTeRs say ...♥ 

moving on
letting go
holding on till tomorrow ♥

there is always a little truth behind "just kidding"
there is always a little knowledge behind "i don't know"
there is always a little emotion behind "i don't care"
there is always a little pain behind "its okay"