
Status: ...questioning the intelligence of liberals.
Joined: November 7, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 337791
Gender: F
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If you can find me, cool.
Just don't go telling everyone.

Quotes by richrepublicangirl

My Life, In A Pie Chart:
One Direction

Bad things happen to good people.
However, in your case, it was definitely karma.

Your hand fits in mine,

Like it's made just for me.


You knomy name,

Not my story.

Dear boys,
Be the type of guy you would want your daughter to be with.


So today he told me, he can't talk to me anymore
because she said so.
backseat serenade - all time low

"Your argumeniinvalid"
Is a phrase used when someone doesn't know what to say to you're awesome comeback.


If Obama's birth certificate is legal,
Why did he spend $1,000,000 trying to conceal it?


An Inconvenient Truth:

You elected a leftist, socialist, lying, deceatful President who is destroying this country.


"The America I know and love is not one in which my parents or my baby with Down Syndrone will have to stand in front of Obama's 'death panel'" -Sarah Palin