
Joined: August 25, 2009
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 87370

Hi my name is
and i'm madly in love with horses.
I've been riding all my life.

I fall for the wrong boys. In the wrong places.
I'm crazy about sharpie markers. I wear sweat pants everyday.

Sometimes, I think I'm pretty and then other times I think I'm not. There are days when I think man, I'm skinny enough. Then, sometimes I feel like a cow.

I'm your average teenage girl. I guess.

leave me a comment :)
I've been through hell and back and don't mind listening

Quotes by rocktheshock




Let me let you in on a little secret.
Suicide needs to be taken more seriously than
getting a few favorites on a quote.
If your friend has confined in you, and told you
they are contemplating taking their own life,
you need to tell an adult.  Even if they told you not to.
Losing your friendship is better than losing someone forever.
They'll forgive you in the long run.  
A quote wouldn't have stopped me in 2009,
it was my friend who was brave enough to tell my parents
that keeps me here today.

all mine :) 



Prevent it better than getting favs on a quote.
Tell someone.





Let me let you in on a little secret.
Suicide needs to be taken more seriously than
getting a few favorites on a quote.
If your friend has confined in you, and told you
they are contemplating taking their own life,
you need to tell an adult.  Even if they told you not to.
Losing your friendship is better than losing someone forever.
They'll forgive you in the long run.  
A quote wouldn't have stopped me in 2009,
it was my friend who was brave enough to tell my parents
that keeps me here today.

all mine :) 



I can't hate her for being with him,
she's probably as innocent
as I was when I fell
for his smile.♥


all mine :) 
Does anyone else ever wonder
when the boy you like will notice
just how much effort you put in
or how much you care?

I don't know how to make quotes fancy, so go ahead and use this and make it pretty, just tell me.
Boys think with the wrong heads sometimes ;)

He's climbing in your window, snatching you're people up
so you need to
hide yo kids .
hide yo wife.
and hide your husband
cuz they are rapin' e'rybody out there.

antoine dobson, you are the man.

i'm sorry if this offends someone, as it isn't designed too. Antoine Dobsons family is making money from this song.


Peace man,
turn around,
put one up,
now put two down,

Fack you :)

give me your saddest boy quote, PLEASE.