
Joined: February 12, 2010
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 101092

my boyfriend is amazing(: <3
i love him to death..even when he gets pissed at me./:

my friends are the kind of people who will run around the whole neiborhood screaming the ice cream man is coming !!!!

my best times have been with my friends cause lik idk there just insane..

i cat imangine my life normal...(:

Quotes by rowan_pceluvlala

if you say its a lie.
then we can go back to when
it was just you&me
but since im not supposed to know
then we can fix this...
ill always love you and that wont change
but right now you dont treat me the same..
i want to be with you.but it seems you dont care.
so i guess we are just wont man up and say it.

sorry..its not preetty.but its true... only an emotion only a feeling..
so once the emotion&&feeling
are gone.
im left empty.........

you promised me forever&always.
but you see tht isnt true
for now you like two other girls
just cause they have big boobs
so run along and chase them down
but do something for me first...
break us up&break my heart..
make it pound tilll it hurts.
so tht way ill always remember the day..
you kicked my heart into the dirt.
you were my brightest star
the one i wanted to spend each sunrise and sunset with
you were all i needed
but once i trusted you with my heart
and assumed you wouldnt break it..
you proved me wrong..
you broke it in two
and now thank you to little old you...
im left to clean up the pieces


ashley rose highlight this.

the summer is over..i regret to say i must leave.
i will miss you and everything about this place.
because next summer i wont return.
besides alll the fighting for no reason i have to say i still love you.
you can get me to laugh for no reason at all and you make my days all great ones.
i hate that i have to leave but when you think about it summer love has to end sometime.


my note to my summer lovee)':
Every yearvalentinesday has suckedd....


and imhopeingthis year..

