
Joined: July 2, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 314132
I love soccer, & my parents are divorced. I'm 13 and if you want someone to talk to ever I'm your girl! :)
Reading & writing is what saves me. Music does to0, but it can't take you to a far away world like reading can. Writing is where you can hide feelings into characters, other people. It's like a way to vent out with no one else realizing it. I do put quotes on here, but I'll also put a series : the Stella series. website link : ) )   

Comments to roxyvermaas

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Snowflakes113 1 decade ago
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Hey, sorry for spamming, you can delete if you want, but I was hoping you would consider checking out my third story that I just started, called Finding My Way. Only if you want to! Thanks (:
xLizzIsAmazing 1 decade ago
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I sure will. and first you need to share the prettyness with the rest of us thank you very much. :)
xLizzIsAmazing 1 decade ago
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thanks for following me beautiful :)
laurengirlyxoxo 1 decade ago
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Sorry for doing this; I hate spam.I know you might not care; but can you please go to this link? I'm trying to win tickets for one direction.Thank you have a good day. :) I need as much help as i can to spread this around!