
Joined: March 13, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 158290

Quotes by samanthaschmidt7

If I  gave someone the power,
 to run my life then that'd defuse the purpose.

 Today I realized that.. 
That you mean a lot to me. I really think that i'm falling in love with you. I've liked you for almost three years now, but things always get in the way. I don't want me heart to get broken so I won't make the first move, that's up to you boy. I just want you to feel the same way about me as I feel about you. <//3

I love you,
but  you don't feeel the same way.. or so I think. ♥

 As of right now; 
 I could never feel more alone ♥

                       As the tears fall 
 All I want is to be happy again. I guess bestfriends aren't always "bestfriends forever". mq

If I could give you one thing in life,
 it'd be the right to live again.
 You may have not been the best person ever,
but you still didn't deserve to die so young. 
 I guess now you'll never know how much you really  
meant to me

Rest in Peace Grandma. </3
[February 14, 1942-December 06, 2010.]
You would've been   70 years old this Valentine's day </3.  II love you soooo much.


Crush; That spark in your eyes makes me melt.
Me; It's nothing special.  


That's b/cause it's not just special, it's more than that ♥


Marry me, please? ♥

 I'm starting  to make my 
dreams  into 
my reality