
Joined: September 7, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 216574
     hello follow me !!!!!!!!!!!!! :) 
Hey, it's Samm! :)
I love softball, being with my friends, to cook, and I'm currently in highschool, waiting to take a culinary class, and become a chef.
Some of my best friends are: Meghan (MeghanMouse97, go to her wittty) hehe Marisa (marisalynne) Kylie, Holly, Joe, Tyler, Lindsay, Devin, and Rose(:
I LOVE CAMP ROTARY<3 tomato....(:
So follow me(:

Quotes by sammm826

That awkward momment

when you on a tree and your brother is

pulling it and people driveing by look

at u lol :P


roses are   red
violets are  blue
      u took my heart and i love you <3