
Joined: May 18, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 300753

Quotes by secretsafe

How many chances can one girl give?
i guess i shoulda been more like her...</3
give me a reason
to just sit here and
watch you make
a fool outta me...

i love you, and i know you love me;
all i've ever wanted was for you to be happy
i want to be the reason, cuz it hurts knowing she is

there should be 2 people in a relationship..not 200.

i want to know if we're gunna be forever..

when i was little i admired my grandpa. he was my favorite person in the world. i called him in the middle of the night with my bad dreams and whenever he was around i was glued to his lap. one day my brother pushed me and yelled at me and i called my grandpa balling my eyes out. when i calmed down enough to hear him he sounded like he was crying.. i asked him what was wrong and he said "i love you sweety and your crying and that makes me sad" i told him to be happy and then we talked for a while and hung up. a few months later we found out he probably wasn't going to be around much longer. i cried as i sat next to his hospital bed and he told everyone to leave to room but me. then he asked me if i remembered when he cried because i was sad. then he said "i cried because i love you. i know that you dont like boys yet but when find the boy you really like i want you to remember that and if he doesnt cry when you cry i want you to look for someone else." i said okay and i didnt remember untill my 16th birthday when my grandma gave me a card that said what he said and as i kept reading i began to cry and then i turned around and my boyfriend had tears in his eyes... he's a keeper<3

right now, my boyfriend is bragging about his "six pack" honestly i dont get why he feels like he needs it. i was more attracked to him before it because now he's like all the guys i tried so hard to stay away from.
YOU WERE PERFECT BEFORE. i told you that.. who are you trying to impress? cuz your sure not impressing me..


one day, my best friend took my phone and texted a kid i did not know. it was as a joke and she told me never to talk to him again. he found out who i was and we became friends. not remembering what my friend had said i started to like him. she made me stop talking to him as soon as she found out.. they dated.. they broke up.. he found someone else.. i found someone else.. we ran into eachother at the mall.. we've been together a year now.. that's my love story<3

its been a while..
its been a while since i've been happy.
its been a while since i've been me.
i love friends hate him...
he plays with my emotions...and lies
i only see him on the weekends...
i can't let go.