
Joined: August 10, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 206061

Comments to serenity123

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rypear99 1 decade ago
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Joey1995 1 decade ago
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So, I was about to quit witty, never go on it again, but I realized, I love all of your quotes, they always seem to make my day no matter what they are, you have been nothing but nice to me when I'm feeling down, you are completely selfless, and that makes you a great person in so many ways. I can't stress enough how awesome and amazing you are. So I just want to let you know, you're the only reason why I'm holding on to Witty :)
Call me sometime :)
serenity123 1 decade ago
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cararoxx84 1 decade ago
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anyone who needs advice or just a place to vent
go to this website
and anonymously tell me, i'll respond with advice or comments(:
rypear99 1 decade ago
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Thanks so much(: So here's the story. He's got a brother my age which I met at the same time I met him and his dad. We met at there camp a few years ago. I never really knew his mom or sister && I still don't but whatever. So last july we started dating && no one ever told me (thats why it's weird that i just found out) we broke up in october && blah blah blah. Moral of the story is we dated for 3-4 months && no one ever told me and now I feel like our trust wasn't very strong. Your opinion?
Joey1995 1 decade ago
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HEy girl that creeps on my witty ;)
Soulsurfer78 1 decade ago
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okay thankyou