
Joined: October 29, 2009
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 92326
 hello. my name is kayla.(:
i have two accounts;; shutupkaylaxxx & cutiekrazykay

Quotes by shutupkaylaxxx

he boy i like now? or the best friend that i will love forever?
 i admit, i have secrets. i do lie. i do have flaws. i get in trouble all the time. i care for others more than i care for myself. i exaggerate a lot. i say things i don't really mean. i admit, i have sinned before. i swear a lott. i can't always keep all of my friends. i star in many dramas. music is the only thing i can ever trust. but all of this, doesn't keep me from being myself.

well that is only if you don't break my heart.
[ Last | night ] was the [ best | night ] ever.

no not because we're going out now, but because we were talking from 9 till 1 in the morning. yeah, the conversation might have not been that special. but i felt like we were somewhere close again. i felt like i had the old you back again. i missed the old you. and sometimes, i wonder if the old you is still here. last night made me believe that. even though i still like you, that didn't even matter. what only matter was, that i had you for who you really were last night. i don't know about you, but i'm
 [ always \\ gonna | remember // last | night<3. ]

hy do we have a bed time?

I mean seriously, we need 6 - 8 hours of sleep. Well, I usually wake up at 6 for school.And if I sleep at midnight, and wake up at 6, than i still get 6 hours of sleep

  this is all mine(: haha. 
 used to not believe in love,
but now love is all i got.

you're probably thinking,"no i'm not believing him this time."
okay i understand if its like the 234234th chance he's asking for,
but if its the second chance? girl, rethink about it. he might be
actually worth it. he may have lied before, he might have apologized
for it before too. but don't you think, if he didn't want you, he 
wouldn't be apologizing? he wouldn't be wasting his time,  4
a second chance. you might have cried, and so on. but what
if he cried too? what if he, felt extremely bad, and this time
he wanted to make it right? i know it might sounds bad   for
giving him a second chance, but what if you're missing out
on something great? something that you have waited so    
long for. nobody's perfect, everyone make mistakes. not even
him is a perfect -> he must make mistakes. forgive & forget?
have you ever heard of that..? what if the second chance,
------------------------->is what all you have been asking for<3.

some girls want a second chance,
what if a boy wants a second chance too?
you think that's fair, that girls can have second chances, but guys can't?
(: talk a walk in his shoes.
So her and all of her little friends would always call him. they would always play six questions with him, sorta like twenty questions. he would so annoyed and hang up after the second question. but this day was different. her friends were on the phone with him, & so was she, but he didn't know she was. they asked, "who do you like?" he quickly answered, "a girl." her friends asked him five questions about this girl, he was talking bout, and the last question was, "if you could say anything about her, what would you say?" he responded, "she's the most amazing thing that i ever saw in my life, she could make up these stupid little sayings and make the whole town laugh, she has these stupid friends who call me constantly, but i enjoy it, since the day i met her was in the sixth grade, i couldn't careless about her, until our assigned seats were next to each other. yeah, so i thought that i just liked her, well it turned out completely wrong. she was smart, i admit, but she wasn't like one of those show off girls. i love her laugh, & every time she would always put her hand over her mouth, cuz she hated it." "i'm sorry, im suppose to answer in one word." she finally spoke up, "i love you."
He was sick all week,
i barely even make it through school.