
Joined: May 20, 2013
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 360687
Gender: F
Hey guys! Well my name is Fionnuala (yeah i know..) but i'm Nuala to everyone! My favourite book series is Skulduggary Pleasant, favourite cartoon is Avatar-the last airbender and i love the hunger games, books and film, (thats my user name basis). And my favourite film is the Aristocats..i don't really know why. But my favourite thing EVER is Doctor Who! I am a whovian forever!

Quote Comments by skulthelasttribute

skulthelasttribute 1 decade ago on quote #6721544
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KatiiLouisex3 1 decade ago on quote #6721544
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Haha, it's kinda strange to me because in England it's just normal. If someone says they've never read Harry Potter or watched Doctor Who it's like, "Then wtf have you been doing all your childhood?". It's just a part of us xD
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