
Joined: January 18, 2015
Last Seen: 9 years
user id: 389195

sky3304's Favorite Quotes

I came back to look at my profile from when I was 12, I am sencerly sorry to everyone....
I’ll just flip this omelette

Aaaand I’m having scrambled eggs.



Like the waves you lapped my shores,
on sandy sheets and wooden floors.
slow sunrise and seagull cries,
we kept behind of walls and doors.


i'm so tired of watching everyone around me grow up and be confident about their bodies,and become the person they want to be and be in relatonships. real fücking relationships. because i can't. im trapped in this shell made up of anxiety and insecurities. and it prevents me from being me. i'm incapeable of being in a relationship. until i learn to love myself or at least accept myself, i won't let anyone love me. i don't know how to let someone care for me. i can't accept anyones love for me until i accept myself. and i don't know how. i don't fücking know how. and i hate it. i want to be normal. i don't feel normal. i want to like myself. i want to like my personality. but i can't. i just fücking can't. and its so frustrating,knowing the answer to the problem, but not being able to to fix it. and part of me wants the world to see this so they know. so the know how i feel. even though they'll never understand. but the other part of me wants this to be a secret for ever. because if people found out about this i would be embarrassed
i'm tired. im just so tired of not being able to grow up, and be confident about my body, and become the person i want to be and be capeable of beion in a relationship. all i want is to know that im okay. i want to know that i can do it, i want to know that i will get over this. but i don't. i don't know anything. and to afraid to ask for help.


They say a girls dream is to find the perfect guy, but really it's to eat without getting fat!