
Joined: February 13, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 152983

Hi there, my name is Taylor:)
I love love love soccer. It's my true love.
I am 16 years young & I wish time would stop flying by so fast.
I just happened to cross by witty almost two years ago, and I may not be depressed or have much to complain about, but witty is where I go when I have a REALLY bad day.
My favorite quote is "Life doesn't come with a handbook, we're all just winging it."
My best advice to give you is don't ever give up on love. When one person breaks your heart, I promise someone even better will come along to pick up the pieces. Trust me.


Comments to soccafann15

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FramingMatthew 1 decade ago
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Thanks so much for the comment on my profile :)