
Joined: February 21, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 154311

Quotes by sporttcraziix321

can someone please go on my profile and look at my last quote before this one?
i really need help , thanks [:

Read, its important[:

so i have liked my brother's friend for a really long time now. nothing as really made it seem that he liked me, but he works in a place where me and my friends go regularly. Sometimes the reason I go is because I want to see him. When I walk in he usually stares at me a couple of times and smiles, I notice that everytime he gets a chance he looks at me. I don't know what this means. The bad part is that he is one of my brother's bestfriends. I don't know what to do, but when he comes over my house he always yells my name and tries to talk to me. I don't think its flirting, but my friends seem to think that he has some sort of crush on me. He is 2 and a half years older than me so that makes it harder too. He is going to be a 11th grader and im going to be a 9th grader next year.

fave if you think he likes me , and comment what i should do or how i should handle it <3
please i reallyyyy need help , im depending on you witty girls <3

JAMES BRASS <3333333333333333333333333
lol , jk i'm not desperate.

seriously , yeah maybe he is a good guy that knows how to treat girls, but you barley know the kid?!
part 14:

Jared looked angry before John even started talking. John started to speak:

"I just wanted to get the facts straight, I don't like sneaking around and having you not have all the right answers and it's just rude. I love your daughter, I have for a while. I never told anyone because I figured
you guys wouldn't want me around anymore, I promise to always respect her and look out for her and be there for her. And Jared, I know this is not what you want to hear right now, but I want you to know the truth between us, because we are bestfriends and I don't want to be sneaking behind my best friend's back. I'm sorry that I didn't come out the first night and tell you but I just couldn't, I thought I was ready to sneak around but I wasn't."
My mom was happy. I wasn't ready for that expression, but she was glad. She thought that John was a
good kid and was a good guy for her daughter. She approved but Jared didn't have the same expression. He stood up and looked at me and John and said "I'm really dissapointed in both of you". Not mad, not upset, but dissapointed. That's the worst words that you want to hear someone to say. It literally broke my heart, I knew that I shouldn't have went there.

parttt 15 coming up soon [:
Part 12:

I knew that I wanted to be with John. For once in my life I knew where I wanted to be. He said that he wanted to cheer me up tonight for once. So I said okay. My mom let me go since I have been crying for the whole day. John took me to the movies and we watched a comedy. He payed for everything and it really got my mind off of it. He went for pizza after, and on the booth he slid over and sat next to me. He really told me how he felt. He told me how he wants me to be his girlfriend but everything with Jared would just be really hard, but that he was up for the challenge. We got our food, and then we ate. We talked about everything, sports, school, friends, family, life just everything. That's another thing that I love about John we always have stuff to talk about and he knows just the right way to make me laugh and smile. Usually he drops me off at the corner, but tonight he drove right up to the house. I asked him why he wasn't going to the end of the block. He didn't answer me and he got out of the car and walked me up to my front door. I was scared out of my mind and I was worried as to what he was going to do. I opened my door and my mom was in the kitchen. I went in and I was like Mom, I think John wants to talk to you and then I went upstairs to go get Jared. All four of us, sat down on the couch and I was shaking. Jared didn't take his eyes off of me, because I think he saw what was coming. John started to speak.

Part 13 coming up soon [:
Part 11:

I woke up today and I started to just cry. I knew that this wasn't a good start to a hard day. I went into the shower and got dressed. I did my hair and makeup and then I went downstairs. I looked at my BlackBerry and realized that I got a text from John. He said that he knows I wouldn't answer, but he wants to know where the wake was because he wanted to come. I didn't want him to come. I didn't want him to see me weak, and crying. I told him anyways and he said that he would get ready and see me there. I knew that I had to be strong now. Once we got there, I sat in the back because I couldn't go up yet. I said a prayer and then I got up to go up to the casket with my brother. I saw him start to tear, and I just couldn't. I bursted out with tears, my mom and my aunt and cousin comforted me. I sat in the back again cause I knew that I couldn't bare to be up there. I saw John walk in with a suit, he looked so cute. He came up to me and he noticed right away that I have cried. He asked me if I was okay, he put his arm around me and promised that it would be okay and that he was there for me no matter what. He then got up and said hi and sorry to my mom and went around to all my family members. He went up to my brother and gave him a bro hug and apologized. I knew that he was a perfect guy, I was starting to think why I even deserve him. He then came and sat in the back with me, after an hour of just us two talking, I thought it was time for me to go up and say goodbye. I told John that I would be right back. I didn't come back though. I couldn't face John with tears in my eyes, I walked past him and walked outside. I knew that John would be coming right behind me, and about 10 seconds later I heard the front door of the funeral parlor open. He came up to me and put his arms around my waist and told me that I don't need to be so strong for him. That was the most comforting thing of the whole day. I knew that right there, that's where i wanted to be, in his arms. forever.

part 12 coming up soon [:
Part 10:

I walked into the house and I knew right away something was weird. My grandpa has passed away. He has been sick for the past two months. Jared was upset, my mom was upset. I was upset. I didn't even know what to say. The next day was Sunday. I slept mostly all the day because I was upset. I got texts from John saying Hello and Are you there? Are you mad at me?. But I didn't answer any of them. Finally Jared came into my room, and he said "Why are you texting John?" I realized that I left my phone on the couch when I went up in my room and Jared heard the phone buzz. I told him that he should stay out of my business, and stick to his own stuff. But I knew that he was really mad now, and there was no stopping him. He took his phone from his room and called John to get the straight story. John said that they were just talking for the first time, and they are just trying to be friends. Jared didn't seem convinced. He went back up into his room, and I got a text from John. "I can't do this anymore, he's my bestfriend and he's your brother, we need to tell him". I said "Idk yet". And I told him about my grandpa. He said that he was sorry and that he would wait until I was done dealing with my grief. I wasn't ready for tomorrow, because tomorrow was my grandpa's wake. I knew that I had to stay strong, but I didn't know how too.

litttle short, im sorry.
Part 11 coming up soon [:


im doing a talley for school project and i want to know who do you think is the hottest out of the guys?
pauly d, vinnie, ronnie, or mike ?
pleeease comment .everything helps [:

Part 9:

I knew that what I was doing with John was wrong but I wanted to be with him. I got in the car and he gave me a kiss on the cheek. We got to the mall and we decided to watch a movie in the mall. We were watching it when he put his arm around me. I thought it was the cutest thing, and I was so happy. I just looked at him and smiled. He smiled back. When the movie was over, we decided to walk around the mall. He grabbed my hand when we started to walk. This day was going perfect. It was until I saw some of Jared's other friends, I told John and we escaped them and went into a store. When they passed by the store, we walked back out and walked the other way. We were talking about how maybe this will work but if we ever got caught it could be bad. John told me that he didn't care cause he wanted to make things work with me. I figured to drop the topic and go back to having a good time. I heard my phone buzz and it was a text from Jared. At first , I was scared because I thought that maybe one of his friends saw but it just said what time was I coming home at. I told him that I would be home in a little bit and I would text him when I'm on my way home. We went up to the food court and shared an ice cream. It was a great day. We finally decided to leave and then we got back into the car. I pulled out my phone and texted Jared that I was coming home. John dropped me off at the corner again, and then I walked down the block into my house.
Part 10 coming up soon [:
Part 8:

I woke up the next morning at 9:30. Nobody was up in my house, so I was happy that I had silence in my house. I went downstairs and made myself a bagel and sat and watched TV. My mom came down at about 10 and started making breakfast for Jared. I told her that I was going to go upstairs and take a shower. John texted me at 10:30 and told me that he would come pick me up at 1. I responded back okay. I got back into my room and got dressed. I wore short jean shorts and a shirt that made my boobs look hug. I hoped
that he was a guy that noticed stuff like that lol :) I got dressed and then I straightened my hair. My hair actually went really straight today. I was happy. I put my necklace on that is actually really pretty. I did my makeup, not too much but a perfect amount. I looked at the clock and it was only 12:30. Ugh , 30 more minutes. I went downstairs and I told my brother that I would play him in xbox. It was almost 1 because I kept looking at the clock. The game ended a little before it was time to go. John texted me and said that he was parked on the end of the block and he was waiting. I told my mom that I was walking to Amanda's that was around the block from me. I kissed her goodbye and told her that I would text her later.  I saw his car parked only a few houses down and I was really excited. I got in the car.

part 9 coming up soon [: