
Joined: August 6, 2009
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 85338

get to know me,

you may regret it

but you'll never forget it.




I'm stubbron because I don't give up


I'm a slut because I'll wear shorts & a tanktop,

I'm a bitch because I don't let you push me around,

I'm a liar because I won't tell you everything,

I'm stupid because sometimes I'm wrong,

I'm ugly because my face isn't perfect,

I'm a whore because I like boys,

I'm annoying because I'm not chill enough,

I'm a loser because I'm not friends with your group,

I'm weird because I'm not like you,

I'm controlling because I get mad sometimes,

I'm naive because I'm younger than you,

I'm conceited because I'm proud of who I am,

Don't try to tell me who I am because I already know.




 Music is my savior. Sarcasm is my lanuage. Friend's are my life. Soccer is my game.



Fact: i have a cell(: ask for the number and i'll make youu smile(:

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