
Joined: June 9, 2009
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 78991
Hey Witty this iAddy :]

[beastly fade made by tennislover888 :D]
I am fourteen years
old young, and yeah I am pretty heart broken sometimes.  between the b*tchy girls, rude guys, and cliques sometimes I just can't take it! So I found out about witty, and it is like my diary now. [even though I have not very many quotes...] I am pretty chill so I don't really like drama or any of that BS. I used to live in the U.K, but I live in NY now. [haha not saying where, sorry freaky stalkers!]
 I am a cheerleader, and I am a base. But I am not one of those annoying preppy girls. a ton of the girls on my squad are all peppy and preppy and it bothers me. they think that I am emo just because I don't like the gayness [i mean jonas] brothers and wear excessive amounts of pink. ugh it is so annoying. they talk so much during the stunts that they have dropped our flyer! If anyone has any advice on quotes that would be great. i am pretty new here so any help would be great. i follow anyone who needs followers or has good quotes!

makeup! I am a firm believer of this quote:  "You can wear makeup if you know how to do it." Ugh, even though I am not a girly annyoing prissy beeyotch like over half of the girls at my school does not mean that I don't believe in good makeup. my faves: M.A.C, Laura Mercier, Bobbi Brown, Cover Girl, and Neutrogena.
music i  <3 my iPod touch, and if I tried to list all of the bands and singers I like then I would be writing on this stupid thing all day!
Victoria's Secret I <3 their sweats, hoodies, lotions, etc. Haha, I even have a few pairs of the pants that say PINK on the butt ;)
cheerleading I LOVE cheerleading! I know that from this description so far I sound like a girly-girl but if you call me that then I will SLAP you across the face hunny :P I am a base, and I am a firm believer that cheerleading is a sport. there are some haters out there... but if you went to one of our 6 A.M. practices then I think that you would shut ur whiny non believing little pie holes!
the Jonas Brothers
ugh. they are SO gay. kevin wears scarves tied on his neck, and all the boys note "buying expensive italian shoes" as one of their major splurges! and they call them selves straight??

the topic of MANY of my quotes. yeah i think that cliquey girls are SUPER annoying. umm hello we all know that you guys are best friends but no need to rub it in! that just comes off as a little bit pathetic to me, a true friendship shouldn't be a little tight knit little circle!
people who are obsessed with facebook
umm seriously? don't even get me started. i am 100% against facebook! it just makes girls compete to see who has the most pictures of each other, it gives girls a chance to brag about their sleepovers, and it is just freakin annoying. sorry i use that word alot- I should stop ;)
ya i have a phone and unlimited texting like most teenagers do but that doesn't mean that I stalk people. some girls act way too easy. just talk to a guy if you want his attention! don't text him 24/7, and wear low shirts, and stuff that is just ah-nnoying! The guy that I like likes me back but we never even texted, and we can talk for hours...

people who think they are better than you
UGH! some people are SO full of themselves. some girls wear lopsided makeup and dress like complete sluts and then march around like they are the queens of the school. my prep school in NY has a very strict dress code and some girls think that they have the right to break it. Umm sweetie, where in the manual does it say that?!