
Joined: June 23, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 311365

Hi, i'm Kara♥
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'Suup Sexualll? I'm Kara, but if you know how to read, than you probably already knew that.
I am from the oh so lovely state of Iowa.  Lol jk it's boring as f u c k here.  I am 14 years young,
and I pretty much live on the internet.  So comment me whenever, but don't expect a quick reply,
'cause I'm a lazy muthaafuckka.  Anywhore, I love to play basketball, volleyball, track, soccer, and
Dance.  &I love to write, but i'm sure you've already established that.  If you're here to tell me that
my stories aren't any good, then leave, because plenty of people already beat you to it.  I'm not
going to stop writng because a few fuckheads don't like my stories.  I have a long list of people
that I have blocked, and I will gladly add your name to it if you in any way piss me off.  So fuck off
Bro.  I swear like it's a second language.  If you don't like it, then I don't like you.  Simple as that.
I am currently in a relationship with my amazing boyfriend, River, as of July 5th 2012.  "You're
a bitch." Yes, yes I am.  Thanks for pointing out the obvious sunshine.  If you're nice to me, i'll be
nice to you.  &If you're not?  You can pretty much garuntee yourself a spot in hell.  K.  Austin
Mahone is my husband.  Like seriously, he has the voice of an angel.  That shit could get girls
  So back off bitches, he's mine.  I love all of my readers/followers, and I can honestlly
say I wouldn't still be here without their wonderful support.  I love you all, stay beautiful. xx


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