
Joined: August 7, 2013
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 368461
Gender: F

Hello :)
I made this account to write stories and stuff :)


Quotes by theunknownname

Happily Ever After// Chapter 1.
"Ali, wake up." I heard Connor's soft voice,gently call out to me. I moaned. I didn't want to get up. Last night the worst thing ever happened to me. My cat had ran out onto the road and a car hit her. She was my very best friend, even before Connor! We had brought her to the vet, but it was no use, she wasn't going to happen. "Alison, your mom told us what happened but you still have to go to school," this time it was the voice of my cousin, Josh. He was also one of my best friends. Josh, Connor and Julie. My only three best friends that were left now that Buttercup was dead.
"If you get up right now, I'll make you pancakes for breakfast!" Connor said in attempt to get me up. 
I sat up on my bed and they both sat on either side of me. Connor hugged me and kissed my forehead, he always did this when he was trying to cheer me up and it always seemed to work. I smiled at him and he smiled back. He was looking straight into my eyes so I looked back into his. I had never noticed before what nice eyes he has. They're like a browny, greeny and almost kind of gold. 
"So, pancakes?"
  We were eating our pancakes when the door opened and Julie burst in.
"I'm here!" she always spoke very loudly and always seemed to be really happy, which was really cool.
The pretty blonde burst in through the kitchen door.Then her eyes feel on the pancakes. Josh noticed her going to get one and looked up at the clock. We were running kind of late 'cause of me.
"No time, Jule." He said, grabbing her arm and pulling her out the door towards the car. I was still eating my pancakes when Connor picked me up, over his shoulders and carried me out to the car.
  "So, the vet couldn't do anything?" Julie asked 
"Nope, they said she was in too much pain and had to be put down right away," I told her, blinking back a few tears. Me and Julie were in the back of the car, Josh was driving and Connor was sitting beside him. Connor turned around to look at us and noticed the tears almost falling out of my eyes and said "maybe we should talk about something else?"
Authors note: whatcha think? feeback would be great. comment if you want to be notified for the next chapter...xox
Happily Ever After// Prolouge.
This is the story of Him and Me.Us. Me and Him. Him and I. I and Him. Whatever way you want to say it. It's our story.Me and Connor. We'd always been best friends and I never thought of us being anymore. I'm not saying I don't like him that way. I just never thought about it. But he's my best friend, I could never ruin that.
Authors Note: hey guys, I know it's short but I just want to see if anyone would be interested in reading so, fave and comment if you'd like to read. Feedback would be great. :) xox