
Joined: March 20, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 285159
Hey I'm Chris, I have another profile which is foof12 and i dont feel like writing everything again so ya.. check it out  :-)


thisischris's Favorite Quotes

Your Eyes are Beautiful
Your hair is perfect
Your mouth is wonderful
To bad your a   S-L-U-T

And he walked to my house in the pouring rain just to give me my morning hug because i wasnt in school♥

That awkward moment when your friend says her stomach farted.... 

I remember when witty wasnt about One Direction or hunger games. Where did thoes days go?

Guess what I'm going to do.___________
_____________________Shave my head.

and you know what./? I'm really excited♥


Sweatpants, hair tied, chilling with no makeup on, that’s when you’re the prettiest.

Good morning star shine the           earth sayes hello.
~willy wonka

I was just watching a tv show that said narwhals exsited!
my mind=blown

I love you. But you like my friend.