
Joined: October 24, 2006
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 41360

ello. im Ashley. new jersey is where im at. I have suckish quotes but its all good. 13 yrs old and yeah i can kick ur ass with no problem :)
talk to me, ill rock your world ;-)

Quotes by tropical


choices define you
they show your view
they decide fate,
what will be love and what will be hate

some are painless
and some are nothing more than a guess
but others are ridden with pain
others make you go insane

what should u do
when the choice becomes too overwhelming for you
should you tell people how you are feeling
how you can never sse yourself healing

you can tell people that it is rough
but all they can say  is say i know its tough
they tell you to pick what is right
but sometimes things aren't so black and white

choices are everywhere
they need thought and care
only you can choose
in your life will you win or lose?

You & Me

I see you walking down the street,
I cannot wait until we meet.
Every time i see you my heart skips a beat,
I can't help but stumble, tripping over my own feet. 

One glance and i'm on cloud nine,
This uncontrollable feeling is just so divine.
But you have no clue,
The truth is I am madly in love with you.

I am 99% sure it will never be,
But that one percent keeps me hanging on to the chance of you and me.
One smile can make my day,
There is just so much i want to say.

I want to be fearless and i want to be brave,
I want to be that girl that you give more than just a friendly wave.
When i look into your eyes,
I just can't keep this lie.

I tell myself it's not right,
I try to control this urge but i just can't win this fight.
You are the one for me,
Why can't you see that we are meant to be?

&+ has anyone noticed
there is an awful lot of blonde jokes on witty all of a sudden.
this is a QUOTE site not a "look how dumb blondes are"
and they arent even dumb in the first place

if i had to choose between

loving you
[ ( b  r  e  a  t  h  i  n  g  ) ]

i'd take my   >>>last b  r  e  a  t  h<<<  to say

"i love you."

and i know ......
i will

You should try it:)

Girls love it when:
guys on WITTY
tell them
what guys want in girls:)

Friends are like BONES

everytime they break

it grows back even stronger


ALL MINE:} DON'T TAKE CREDIT but u can use it! made by Ashh.

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