
Joined: February 29, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 279371
Taylor Swift, Justin Bieber, and Drake are my life.
my name's Hailey,(;
 i love music. it's life. ♥ 
 i love cheerleading. ♥
i love acting and singing.♥
  some girl in school told everyone
my old witty account, so this is
my new one. -.-
wellll, that's about it . :)
(i follow back!)

twoisbetterthanonex3's Favorite Quotes

Mitt Romney: I like big bird but I'm going to cut PBS to save money.



was homecomming, i went to the bathroom to find a somewhat over weight girl crying, trying to hide her emotions with makeup looking in the mirror. i noticed cuts on her wrists.. i walked up to her and said "OH my god, your dress is perfect! you look so gorgeous, will you take a picture with me" she wiped away a tear, smiled and said "thnk you.. so much.." we took a picture and now we're texting. and this morning i woke up to a text that said 

"you saved me..."

Today was my school talent show.

Me, being myself - decided to sing "Skyscraper" by Demi Lovato. I did my thing, I sang. And, at the end - people were in tears and I got a standing ovation. I have never felt so good about myself. The dean went to take the microphone away, but I asked if I could say something to my peers. He allowed me. That's when my heart poured out.. "Thank you all, really. Now, I have something to say." After that, it became dead silent. "You're clapping for me now, right? Weren't half of you guys the people who said I was 'fat' yesterday? Yeah. Little do you know, I can't keep my food down because of those things you say. I can go days without eating. I hope you know that." Then, I had to stop because some girls were laughing. I walked up to them and pulled up my bracelets. "Hey, Bri. Look. Look at what YOU caused. Yes, YOU. You practically put these scars on my wrist. Because of people like you, people turn into people like me. Can I just ask why? Why do you do this to me and so many others?" Her answer was this; "Well, Nicole. I do it because people are losers, a lot like you." And at that, I had enough. What did I say? I said, "Bri, I'm done. I'm done with you. So is everyone else. YOU NEED TO STOP. I'm sick of you. If you don't stop soon, something WILL happen. It may happen to me. Or to you. Or to that girl over there. Just, STOP. Ok? Go on and try to tear me down, I will be rising from the ground. Like a skyscraper." I turned around and walked away. I wasn't finished though. I turned back around to face my peers and said, "I thought suicide was the answer. But, I KNOW it's not. Don't try it, guys. You hurt yourself, you hurt your family. And it hurts your friends. Please. Talk to me if you need anything." People clapped so loud, my ears were about to bust. But, WAIT. I'm not done yet... This really popular guy, Mike, came up to the front. He took the microphone and said, "Nicole.. Thank you for giving me the courage to do this." No one knew what was coming, but what he said shocked so many people. "Bri, we're through." I have never laughed harder in my life. Best day ever? I think YES. 

Why dont you gangnam style

your way off the nearest cliff

What If...

...we're all just Sims being controlled by some kid on their computer?


Do boys actually get real crushes on girls, or is that an urban myth?


My speech on bullying;
(which I will be presenting to my whole school)

Hi everyone! You probably know who I am.. But if not - I'm Nicole. Yep, I attend school here! Ok, so.. today - I'm here in front of everyone to discuss a topic that has changed mine - and many others lives... BULLYING. I started to get bullied around the age of 12 when a girl called me ugly. I didn't know how I was ugly but I assumed I was fat. Soo, I starting skipping meals every once in a while. Little did I know, it would soon turn in to bulimia, anorexia, and self harm. You see, because of just a few words - my life would never be the same. I don't want ANY of you to go through what I'm going through. Because let me tell you.. It is not fun AT ALL.  Now - I heard something that I'm going to share with you; Suicide rates among 10 to 14 year olds have grown more than 50% over the last 3 decades. Yeah - 3 decades is a long time, but more than 50%? Seriously, guys? That's not right. We could help make that 50% go down to 0%. How? Don't bully.  If you see someone being bullied - take a stand. It will make you and the victim feel a whole lot better. And, if you're being bullied.. Tell someone! Get help, okay? We need to take control and put an end to all bullying. Yeah, it may take some time, but if we work together and work really hard - it. will. happen.  Oh.. and if you self harm or just need someone to talk to - you can talk to me. I'll always listen. ALWAYS.  Guys, you're worth every penny. You're here for a reason and you are not leaving until you find that reason. Yes, I understand times are hard. We're in a dark tunnel, but there's light somewhere. And we will find that light together. I may not show it but I love you guys. Each and every one of you.  Please, let's stop bullying. Stop it once and for all. We can't just ignore it, right? Okay, don't hesitate to talk to me! I'm all ears all the time! Thank you all for letting me talk to you. And - one more thing..


Some just posted this on my facebook wall.
Its people like them, who make me self concious.


I  can   only  change   who  I  am   so   muc h.
A n d  a l l  I  c a n  g i v e  i s  a l l  m y  l o v e .
And  my  love   ain't  never  been   enough.
S o  I  a i n ' t  c o m i n g  b a c k; 
I 've   been  there ,   done  that.
Are you gonna try to save yourself?

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