
Joined: July 26, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 199952
hey i'm tyler i go by ty though.
i was looking up jokes bcuz my little sister found out she had to stay in the hospital for a while and i wanted to cheer her up so
i typed witty into the search bar of google and found witty profiles so yeah
and i favorite things i think are funny so i can show them to her.
anyway im ty im 15 i play lax and hockey i live in utah and my little sister means the world to me


Quotes by ty47

my sister emily has ewings sarcoma.
everytime i talk to her she asks me why she cant come home.
it kills me inside. i love her so much.
right now all i can ask for is  spiritual support.
please girls pray for my sister. 

Please Read!!

my little sister emily
is battling ewing's sarcoma cancer.
there is a little boy, Ethan
who also had cancer
but died last month
when i went to the hospital to visit
her and she said to me

"me and ethan got married
last night.."

there is a string around her

RIP Ethan J.
Keep fighting em.<3