
Joined: February 8, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 152045

my mom gave me the name
leauna <3
its pronounced
for all you illiterate dinks out there :)

im chill;
i dont like to fight;
i keep a lot bottled up;
 music is my passion.
my mother is my best friend.
ill be your best friend or your favorite enemy;
choose your destiny...
[ ] a lover
[ ] a hater

prefferiably; you should be [x] a lover.

Quotes by unique01individual

loveing someone;
is giving someone the power to break your heart;
but trusting them
not to; because in the end;
all that matters; is who stuck by your side;
when things went from bad; to worse;;*
my love for you is not the generic  love* that society has come to except today;
its that; cant sleep; cant eat; head over heels way im in love with you;
&+ its not just what you are; its what you do;
how your beautiful eyes look into mine;
how your smile just so happens to brighten up my entire day week;
&+ how everytime you look at me; i get that rush of adrenaline;
 &+ them same butterflies come back to me;
so maybe some would describe me as 'head over heels'
but i simply say; im 100% in love with
everything about you;*

everytime we kiss i cant think straight; but im okay;
&+ i cant think of anybody else;
who i hate to miss; as much as i hate missing you;*
how many;
- teardrops have to hit the floor?
people are going to say;
"hes not good enough anyways"
- times am i going to say;
"we should really talk about things"
times am i going to get hurt;
*before i realize*
you have to make mistakes;
in order to learn from them;<3

so knowing i let all of it slip away;
makes it harder to get through the day;*

 I'm just a girl;
whos pushing away everyone;
that loves her;
because im caught up;
on the one that

 As you get older there comes a time when you're
not scared
of the dark or of monsters anymore. You
realize thedark is just thedark &+ monsters don't
exist. But; it's also when you become scared of
other things
, people themselves. You learn that not
everyone wants to see you succeed. You become aware
of people's underlying intentions &+ selfish actions.
&+ the monsters you used to check for under your bed at
don't even compare to;          
some of the things people are.


noone knows;
how much you mean to me;
but yet they'll ask me whats wrong;
&+ then they'll say;
"iknow hun"
well no you dont know;
you dont know how much i cry;
you dont know how much it kills me;
to see him with her
& when he ignores my messages;
yeah thats wonderful.
so do me a favor; &+ keep your mouth;
if all your gunna do is pretend;
you know what im going through.<//3