
Joined: May 21, 2008
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 50272

urmyeverything0109's Favorite Quotes

no question marks,
no exclamation points,
and no " b u t s ".
I love you, flaws and all.
bottom line.
no questions asked

not mine;; i liked it and wanted to save it

I had closed the door that entered my heart,
A place under lockdown and in quarentine from the start.

No thief could break in, no locksmith could pick,
No one could open it, not with just any trick.

I graved the key and threw it so far and so hard,
Corrupted inside and consumed by a war.

But then, so divine and so perfect, came down from above,
An angel of love, someone I was so undeserving of.

You managed, you searched and you found,
The key to my heart and entered without making a sound.

I opened my eyes at a distance, I see you with a shine,
With fear inside, I've never seen someone so pretty and divine.

How did you get in? inside a door with a powerful lock?
Not saying a word, or bothered to knock?

Where has this key been been for all these years?
Then all of a sudden, it mysteriously appears.

After all this time, I've figured it out,
I finally know who this key is about.

So if the day comes, that you must part,
You'll take it with you, the key to my heart.

Because the key has always been you,
Something so precious, so loving and new.

So for all that you are, I thank God above,
For all that you've given, your kindness and love.

Baby I give you this key, they key of my heart,
Because I know nothing or no one can tear us apart.

*my boyfriend wrote this for me on my birthday, I thought it was cute* <3

Fearless is having the courage to say goodbye to someone who only hurts you, even if you cant breathe without them. & when someone apologizes to you enough times for things they'll never stop doing, i think its Fearless to stop believeing them. i think loving someone despite what people think is Fearless. i think allowing yourself to cry on the bathroom floor is Fearless. letting go is Fearless. then moving on and being alright... theres fearless too."
the cullens are HOT
bella is a DANGER MAGNET
jacob is bella's BEST FRIEND
edward is the LOVE OF BELLA'S LIFE

rate high if you love twilight