
Status: HEY Y'ALL!
Joined: November 10, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 338101
Location: Hogworts
Gender: F



WElcome fellow wittians!

  Hiya, welcome to my profile!  I have just joined, so i'm new! Please follow me and i hope my qoutes.

About me: My name's Brittney, i'm female, i'm 15 and i live in England. I liked 1D and micepies. I live with my parents in a small house with a dog and a hamster! I live in the Countryside, theres lots of animals so it's really noicey! I'm not perfect, i dont have a perfect life either! But i love my life.... I have many friends, i;m pretty, my school is small but it has a harsh poicly against bullying!!!! I am smart and a bit of a bookworm!!!! I like Avril 
Lavinge, twilight, and Writing poems. My parents are super proud of me and I am really good at maths! I live mostly in dream land. I'm writing a story about evil fairies!!! I enjoy virtual games online and i have a good life! I'm like normal teens, I have secrets and i have worries! But i get on with my life.... I hve 20 friends and i dont get bullied, thank God! I hate bullies, plasticbieber (now jplasticbiber), racists, ect.... I love listening to music. I'm girly and friendly! I've made some mistakes but they are nothing to change who i am or ruin me! I am single (still)! But i have this mega crush on a guy in school (hehe)!!!! I speand most of my time with friends and family. I love to go to the movies and to just party! I'm a real party girl. I have long blond hair and hazel eyes.  I get mostly A+  at school, but in litercay i dont always get that. I am very well behaved! I have cream white skin and pink nails! I'm a geeky girly girl! I dont wear glasses! My 2 top bff's are Tracy and Bessy. Tracy comes from Asia and Bessy comes from London. Tracy is soo prettyy..... I am totally Jelly fish of her! People find me annoying but love me anyways! I love writing stories and doing creative writing. I also love mathmatics! Sorry for grammar and spellings i'm not very good! I love witty and stardoll! Please follow me and i will follow you back!

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