
Joined: August 1, 2009
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 84762
hello lovies i'm brianna, but you can call me bri. I just turned sixteen and am currently a sophomore. I live in massachusetts with my mama, two brothers. well uh ill finish this laterrrrr
INSIDE MY HEAD: June 16th, 2012
ah i love saturdays, i know probably no one will read this but it's good to get my mind clear hehe. im just video chatting my friend, gianna lol she's so crazy! i cant explain how excited i am that school is out.
summer 2012 here we come


Quotes by watchhout_iitsbriixo

I wish I had that one boy 
 that was my best friend and I could tell anything to.
i hope i find him someday.
life is too short; 
to wake up in the morning with regrets
so love the people who treat you right &
forgive the ones who don't and believe 
that everything happens for a reason. If
you get a chance, make sure you take it.
if it changes you life, then just let it. No
body said it'd be easy, they just promised
it would be worth it        ///////////////
live for the moments;
that you can't put into words.

'Cause baby your a firework
 c' m o n    l e t    y o u r    c o l o r s    b u r s t              ///////

1 universe
9 planets
204 countries
7 continents
7 seas
809 islands
500 billion people

& you chose me
((((( )))))


Turn On My Swag

                                 Oh wait you can't turn it off      //////

-If life was easy-
Where would the adventure be?


boy: thank you.
girl: for what?
boy: for being my everything
Angie please ,
i            g     o     t             t        h     i       s     .       

george lopez(;

>brought the beginning<
tomorrow brings the end
& somewhere in the middle
you became my bestfriend