
Joined: October 19, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 335268
Gender: F
Hey guys! We are here for a reason, so look at yourself and smile! 

Quotes by wearehereforareason

What did you have for breakfast?
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
Carnation Instant B/tch? 
I don't care who is running for President; I will always vote for Pedro. 
What is a good quote? 

-a good quote is witty, clever, funny, or inspirational;
-a good quote is timeless; something you would read again and again
-a good quote is something strangers would post to facebook or tumblr, tweet on twitter, pin to pinterest or print out and hang on their walls. 
-a good quote is something you wouldn't be ashamed of if someone knew tou read it. 
-a good quote follows the rules (i.e.: doesn't ask for faves or comments, etc) 

-a good quote is not from ifunny. 

Whenever I am bored in class, I just read those wicked cheesy posters. 
 I cannot wait until tomorrow night...YoU cAn Be As WeIrD aS yOu WaNt To Be and everyone will actually still accept you. 

If you are "hotter" than me, doesn't it mean that I am "cooler" than you?
I want to buy a song on itunes called "The Titanic" so that when I press sync, it will say "Syncing The Titanic" 
*Passing your friend in the hall*

FRIEND: I have to tell you something later, it is wicked important! 
ME: Wait, just tell me now! 

*crowd of people swallows the two of you so you have to go to next class* 

Having to sit through the whole day wondering what she has to say<<<<
Reading a quote and being like:
"AH! Why didn't I think of that? I do that all the time!"

They get me everytime. 
So today I found out that two of my best guy friends smoke weed. I have never been so disappointed in my life.
                 Shame on you guys.