
Joined: September 24, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 332011
Gender: M

weareyoungandbeautiful's Favorite Quotes


   saw a baby;

wearing a shirt saying; "Santa doesn't
exist, but that's okay, caus I can't read."


Hey Guys!
please read this? 
-So I emailed the head of 
Witty & I told him that we
really should have notifications.
&& he said that if THIS quote gets
5,000 ❤'s...
witty will then have notifications!

please fav this

how awesome \\
would be playing hide-n-go seek
in your w h o l e s c h o o l .♥♥♥

font not mine.




how did you get that scar?

well i was all like COME AT ME BRO..AND HE DID.

counting people in class

to see which paragraph you have to read out loud.


First Birthday;
She looks into his eyes in daycare
Second Birthday;
They go to the candy store and share a gummy worm
Third Birthday;
They go to the toy store and he picks out a teddy bear for her
Fourth Birthday;
They go to Chuckie Cheese's and he gives her some of his tickets
Fifth Birthday;
They go to the park and he pushes the swing for her
Sixth Birthday;
They're in first grade and they're dotting each others i's and crossing each others t's
Seventh Birthday;
They're sharing a seat on the school bus
Eighth Birthday;
He's showing her his collection of comic books
Ninth Birthday;
They're at the pet store playing with a puppy and naming it together
Tenth Birthday;
They're watching the premiere of High School Musical
Eleventh Birthday;
They're laughing at the penguins at the zoo
Twelfth Birthday;
They're sitting next to each other at the foot ball game
Thirteenth Birthday;
They're at an amusement park and she has her first kiss on the Ferris Wheel
Fourteenth Birthday;
They go to a haunted house and he holds her hand the whole time
Fifteenth Birthday;
They're at the movie theatre watching The Last Song
Sixteenth Birthday;
She has the first dance with him at her Sweet Sixteenth
Seventeenth Birthday;
They go out to dinner and share a plate of spaghetti
Eighteenth Birthday;
She's cheering for him at the Homecoming game
Nineteenth Birthday;
They go to prom together and get crowned prom queen and king
Twentieth Birthday;
They're sitting on the beach making a sand castle

Twenty First Birthday;
He's down on one knee asking her to marry him


 Hey, you there!
Can you stop scrolling
for just a second;
and click the heart for...

the ones who lost
their lives on
Sept. 11, 2001.


Girls go to college to get more knowledge.
Boys go to Jupiter to get more stupid-er.

→[♥] if you just flashed back to when you were little.