
Joined: October 7, 2011
Last Seen: 9 years
user id: 224579

wiggly2000's Favorite Quotes


That moment when you

think to yourself,

why did I just say that?


Format credit - RunawayRachel (:

I listen to a song,

No one likes it.

2 months later…..

They all love it.

When normale people have to go back to school
after summer break, they say that their sleeping
schedule is going to be messed up.

Well, my eating schedule is going to be messed up.

Guys have friends that are girls
Because it gives them someone to talk about their feelings with.

Girls have friends that are guys
Because there is soooooo much less drama.

Boys say that fat is unattractive,
but last time I checked, boobs are just balls of fat


Format by Sandrasaurus

"mom can i go to the mall?"
"ask your father."
"dad can i go to the mall?
"ask your mother."

A relationship isn't a test,
So why cheat?

Format by twilightgirl995

Admit it

When a guy gives you a compliment
You automatically think he is into you.

© ThatsSoMeee

We're all mature
until someone brings out the bubble wrap


I'm so good at cooking,
even the smoke alarm
is cheering me on.